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Sunday, December 2, 2007

[e-Adz] Im so Stupid; They Even Call Me A Dummy!

The next 90 seconds will change your life.

In a move that has shocked the established protocol, one man has irreversably altered the way internet users make money.

As you read this, there is a mad stampede of thousands of people who have already heard the news, and are scrambling to get in on the action.

Its already being called the next dot com boom, and lives and finances are being changed daily........even hourly.

What makes this even more special and unique, is the fact that the information on how this new phenomenon works, is being distributed for free.

Yes, the man who invented the system which has turned the web upside down, is actually giving the details of his system away for of charge!

Since this news broke, and ordinary people like you and I realised we could finally make money without any of the normal requirements or skills.........things have gone into overload.

The servers are struggling to cope with the amount of people flocking to his website every minute to get their hands on the free information. Hes already had to upgrade his server space 4 times just to be able to cope with demand.

This is a rare situation that is set to completely change the face of online income generation forever.

If you want to get the free information and profit from this huge turn of events, you must go to his site now. If it appears to be down or temporarily unavailable, please just keep clicking the refresh button over and over until the server has a space available for you to view the site. Like I said, demand is high and the servers are struggling at certain times of the day.

This is the most valuable and vital information you are ever likely to see, so dont just ignore this message. Theres every liklihood he will remove the site and the free information any time in the near future.

Thank you

Stone Davis

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[e-Adz] FREE!

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[e-Adz] Earn $1500 Per Day Doing Nothing!

Question: Are you frustrated because you've tried just about every program, product and technique to become financially free but keep being let down every single time? If so, I've got great news...
What if I could show you the quickest way to make from $200 to $1500 per day doing nothing but working at home with your computer - and get you started in less than fifteen minutes from now?

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[e-Adz] ÇÏÎá æ ÚíÔ ãÚ ÇáÈäÇÊ -- åÏíÉ ãäì áßã -- ÈÓ íÇÑíÊ ãÊÈÚÊæåÇÔ áÍÏ

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[e-Adz] ÇÏÎá æ ÚíÔ ãÚ ÇáÈäÇÊ -- åÏíÉ ãäì áßã -- ÈÓ íÇÑíÊ ãÊÈÚÊæåÇÔ áÍÏ

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[e-Adz] =?big5?Q?Would An Extra $500 Dollars a Day Interest You=3F?=

Would An Extra $500 Dollars a Day Interest You?

Discover the $500/Day Secrets That A 17 Year Old High School Student Uses
To Bring In HUGE Checks Every Two Weeks... Without a Website, Product, or List!

Use the simple secrets and methods that a 17 year old high school student teaches and you will easily earn an extra $1000, $2000, or even $5000+ dollars a week with only ten miunutes of your time a day!

Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or

Unlimited TV Show Downloads!

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[e-Adz] New Passive World Wide Opp...Networkers You Will Love This...Must See!

Greetings Everyone...Brett Gurney here with a big heads up

This is huge and it is passive...meaning no sponsoring to earn....early positioning is not mandatory, but it helps

Those who know me well enough know that I am a full time network marketer earning a comfortable living working from home and that I help others do the same

You also know that I do not send junk... and if I say something is new, or just in pre-launch, or that we are taking pre-registration before launch, or that it can be a passive income with no sponsoring required...then that means just exactly that...and if you follow my lead you will get the jump on everyone else

Well folks this is one of those times...this IS new, but it has been in development for over a IS passive, and it IS early bird registration

This is your need to ask for the special can do that right now, and get registered right now by replying to this email and asking me for the Early Bird URL...and include your phone number if you would like a call from me to answer any questions

Heres your chance to align yourself with the next internet giant

Not only will this not interfere with whatever it is you are presently doing, but you can use it to advertise whatever it is you are presently doing

If you join the program YOU WILL BE PAID.

Sponsoring is NOT REQUIRED....BUT you do get a 100% matching bonus on everyone you sponsor

This is a new Global phenomenon and a Home for EVERY Network Marketer!

Never Been Done Before

Reply to this email right now and ask me for the Early Bird URL ...and include your phone number if you would like a call from me to answer any questions

You will then receive all the information needed to make an informitive decision


Brett Gurney
Home Based Business Entrepreneur

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[e-Adz] He earned over $34,000.00 in 7 DAYS...

He earned over $34,000.00 in 7 DAYS...

Risk-free! Find out how you can do it, too!

Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or

You Can Be A Millionaire in 15 Minutes!!

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