The Berry Tree is designed for passive members, a part of the fee from
your monthly autoship goes towards ad campaign and every month company
is planning for huge ad campaigns (around million dollar) and every
month they keep filling all of our matrices.
The marketing plan is US patent pending, unique of its kind in MLM
industry, where even passive can make money, never heard of before and
one can make a guaranteed income of $1k and above per month from a
mere $56 per month.
Berry Tree is backed by Nutronix International, a 8 year old rock
solid debt free financial company.
Company is going in for Major ad campaign every month, email
marketing, google adwords, email marketing, radio ads, TV ads, and
advertisment in leading MLM magazines
Soon every one matrix will start filling up
Apart from matrix income one can also earn leadership bonuses and make
more money
Official launch will be in September at the Nutronix Conference in FL
No Selling or Sponsoring Required!
Your Success is Guaranteed!
Earn on Every Member in The Company!
As part of your Membership you will earn Berry Member Credits. You can
use these Berry Member Credits to qualify for the Monthly Bonus Pools.
The most exciting aspect of The Berry Tree is our Reversible MatrixTM
System. This is what allows you to earn on every Active Member in the
entire company, even if no one is underneath you. There are no
sponsoring requirements or quotas to meet. Berry Member Credits are
automatically given to you for being an Active Member. By accumulating
more and more BMC's you will move through our compensation plan and
earn more and more money. Just stay with us and your success in
reaching these Pools is Guaranteed!
By participating in our Double Credit program you will reach Success
in 1/2 the time! This is a fully automated option and you don't have
to sponsor a single person to qualify. This is another exciting aspect
that is unique to The Berry Tree.
1. Company advertising: part of every $49.95 membership goes to pay
for guaranteed signups that are produced by some of the largest lead
vendors in the world. They target the hundreds of millions of people
worldwide that are looking to make money online or start their own
Internet Business.
2. The people above you in the Tree: As people above you refer
and sponsor others to The Berry Tree they will be placed under you.
3. If you decide to refer or sponsor others into The Berry Tree, they
too will also go under you. (Remember there are NO sponsoring
requirements to earn on The Berry Tree)
* There is room for 8 people on your first branch. You will earn
$7.00 per member, per month for everyone on your first branch. Once
your first branch is full you will be earning $56.00 per month and
this will cover your membership costs of $49.95 per month and you will
be in profit.
* When your first branch is full, or if anyone on your first branch
refers or sponsors someone they will fall on your 2nd branch. There
is room for 64 people on your 2nd branch and you earn $4.00 per
member. That's about $312.00 per month.
* There is room for 512 people on your 3rd branch and you will earn
$2.00 per month on everyone on your third branch. With 3 branches
full you will be earning about $1,336.00
*Once your first and second branches are full and you are earning
about $312.00 per month you are automatically given a second tree or
profit center. This insures that your earning potential is not
limited to one full tree.
If you decide to refer or sponsor people in The Berry Tree, you will
earn a one-time New Member Bonus of $27.00 on every member you refer.
They are placed in the highest position available in YOUR personal tree.
If you want to earn Fast Start Bonuses or Earn on Everyone in the
Entire Company, you will be given full support and training by some of
the biggest and best Internet Marketers in the world. You will have
free access to The Berry Lounge, weekly conference calls and
newsletters, training websites, support forums and much, much more.
There is no other business like The Berry Tree. The patent-pending
program is 100% automated if you want it to be, or you can get into
the drivers seat and grow your income stream even bigger and faster.
The business appeals to everyone who ever wanted to earn money online,
build a retirement income, get out of debt, build a successful
business or have fun helping others succeed.
Join now
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