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Monday, November 19, 2007


A Testimonial:
As a stay at home mom, I have spent countless hours on the internet searching for a real work from home opportunity only to finally decide that I couldn't believe any of it. I cannot tell you how many hyped up business opportunities I have looked at and found that there is always some kind of "catch". Either you have to spend a lot of money to maybe make some or you have to hound your friends and family to buy something that they don't really want or need.

When I was first introduced to My Power Mall I believed it would just be like all the others. Sure it was free but a lot of things out there are (at least until you sign up!) but I figured I'd sign up, anyway, to see what the "catch" was. Boy, was I surprised and excited to find that there is no catch! This is an unbelievable system and I'm very proud to be a part of it. I'd love for you to see for yourself...
My Power Mall is a high vibrational opportunity  that stands apart from the rest.  To see why you should have your own Power Mall watch Ginny's short movie at the website.

Here are 10 things that you need to know about My Power Mallt

1. It Really is Free...Completely

Don't worry that once you sign up you will find that you need to "upgrade" to really earn money or that they really want you to join so that they can make money from selling you all the marketing tools that you need. It's all free. This company won't ask you for money. It's that simple.

2. There Is No Qualifying for Your Income.

You won't have to make any quotas or jump through any hoops to get the money that you make. When you earn it you keep it. Again, it's that simple.

3. It's Completely Legal and listed with the Better Business Bureau.
You won't see that claim on every business opportunity out there and there's a good reason for that...many are not. My Power Mall is legal in all 50 states and has members in195 countries. My Power Mall launched on March 19, 2007 and currently has over 61,000 members.

4. You Don't Have to Sell Anything at All.
Some companies will claim that and then once you are signed up you'll find that they mean "the product sells itself so there's no selling." Well, selling is selling even if the "product sells itself" which none of them really do anyway. In My Power Mall there really is NO selling. All it takes to grow your business is to GIVE away free Power Malls. Your friends and family won't run away from that! They'll love having their own online mall.

5.  Every Time You Purchase Something Disadvantaged Children Are Being Helped
6.5% of Corporate Profits Go Directly to the One-Child-At- A-Time Project to Help a Child With Special Needs and proceeds from the new debit cards will go towards building orphanages around the globe.

My Power Mall is designed as a tool for helping others. It is the heart of the company. You are not only building a solid income for yourself but providing opportunities for those in need at the same time. Now that feels good!

6. It's a Great Fundraiser for NPOs.
My Power Mall helps everyone. Non Profit Organizations can create amazing amounts of funding through the My Power Mall system. Your supporters get to have their own mall and shop for the things that they would buy anyway with a portion going directly to your cause! Religious organizations, schools, booster clubs, foundations and other nonprofits are using My Power Mall as a way to raise ongoing funds. No one is ever asked to give a financial donation, they just shop for things they would buy anyway and the stores pay rebates on all purchases made.

7. You Earn Passive Residual Income When You And Others Shop

All you do is simply give malls away to others and they do the same. The stores pay you rebates on all your purchases and those of your team members. The system is so simple and created in a way that any person can succeed. My Power Mall was designed to empower the average person to change his life.

8. You Will Get a Mall of Over 1100 Stores When You Join.

These are stores that you most likely already shop at. Imagine owning your own online mall full of your favorite shopping places. You will be amazed as you browse through your mall and find the incredible assortment of stores that there really are. You can literally buy anything in your mall.

9. My Power Mall Gives You All the Training You Will Need
The back office has pre-written letters, banners, business cards flyers, e-cards, everything you need to share My Power Mall with your friends, family and associates.  You will get new advice and direction every single day. You won't be left in the dark with My Power Mall.

10. Joining My Power Mall is Like Joining a Happy Family.

It's a company with heart and integrity. Power Mall CEO Ginny Dye wants to see every person and organization on the planet prosper, regardless of their current financial situation. My Power Mall members are dedicated to helping others achieve their financial dreams, just by shopping for things they normally would buy anyway. Ginny sends out regular updates and members share their experiences through the back office bulletin board.

My Power Mall is a high vibrational opportunity  that stands apart from the rest.  To see why you should have your own Power Mall watch Ginny's short movie at the website.

Get your own free online shopping mall. Save on all your online purchases and get rebates too!
Free website and tools.
check out this ad here, where you can set your own up free too >

Have Fun & Much Success,
                            OBABY - Finds for Baby, Mommy & Family

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